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Rural Technologies
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‘Amla’ Emblica officinalis or Indian Gooseberry, is highly valued for its medicinal properties.

Amla Candy

Time 2:00 pm at 25th july

The composite ragi bread should have the normal shape of bread with fairly good crumb grain and texture

composite ragi bread

Time 2:00 pm at 25th july

Preparation of fruit spread is one of the several important aspects of preservation of fruit pulp/produce.

Fruit Spreads

Time 2:00 pm at 25th july

Ginger (Zingiber officinaleRoscoe), belonging to the family Zingiberaceae, is one of the most popular spices being cultivated extensively in India.

Ginger dehydration

Time 2:00 pm at 25th july

Chilli sauce can be used for many recipes due to its pungent, sweetish and sourish taste.

Green chilli sauce

Time 2:00 pm at 25th july

Ready formulation and processing conditions for protein enriched buns

Protein enriched buns

Time 2:00 pm at 25th july

The shelf stable Ready To Use (RTU) Dosa batter in retail packs is meant for instant use by consumers.

RTU Dosa batter

Time 2:00 pm at 25th july

The shelf stable Ready To Use (RTU) Idly batter in retail packs is meant for instant use by consumers.

RTU Idly batter

Time 2:00 pm at 25th july

Turmeric (Curcuma longa L) is an erect perennial plant that is grown as an annual crop for its rhizome.

Turmeric curing

Time 2:00 pm at 25th july

Flaking of rice is an important traditional industry in India.

Cereal Flakes Rice

Time 2:00 pm at 25th july

Sorghum and the millets are the most important food crops of the arid and the semi-arid tropics.

Refining of Millets

Time 2:00 pm at 25th july

The product ‘Rice-milk mix‘ is a granular instant mix for the preparation of ready-to-eat product.

Rice Milk Mix

Time 2:00 pm at 25th july

Papad is a thin wafer-like snack food particularly popular in South and South-East Asian countries.

Leg-Papad Press

Time 2:00 pm at 25th july

Papad is a thin wafer-like snack food particularly popular in South and South-East Asian countries.

Hand-Papad Press

Time 2:00 pm at 25th july

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